GBA News



If you have any questions, don´t hesitate to contact us:

%AM, %01 %041 %2014 %00:%Jul

Time to relax

This is a simple example of blog post standard format. Curabitur non velit odio. Sed et sollicitudin ante. Phasellus dapibus lorem et lacus scelerisque facilisis. Donec quis scelerisque arcu, ac ullamcorper neque. In sagittis libero vitae velit accumsan bibendum. Cras fermentum nisl turpis, sit amet.Phasellus ac dolor elit. Donec nisl tellus, posuere in commodo ac, placerat a elit. Nulla fringilla venenatis metus, sed laoreet nisi varius non. Nunc placerat tempor orci id mattis. Suspendisse pulvinar nisl neque, rutrum pellentesque neque commodo non. Sed molestie interdum consequat. Duis vel augue non urna tempus sodales. Nunc nec diam massa. Maecenas dui arcu, rutrum vitae congue in, bibendum ac dolor. Nulla volutpat dolor ut lectus elementum, quis cursus leo fermentum. In nec massa nec ante hendrerit mollis.

%AM, %29 %041 %2014 %00:%Jun

Join the GBA

GBA's objectives are to foster, promote and discuss improved business relationships, opportunities and measures between businessmen, companies and agencies involved in business and commerce between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Kenya. We are a business association for German companies, institutions, foundations or Kenyan companies and individuals with commercial or other links with Germany. To this end, the association organizes luncheons, business trips to the region and social activities.


In order to apply for membership, kindly download the application sheet below and send it to us. All applications are subject to approval of the board. The annual subscription fee is KES 35.000 (per calendar year and to be paid in advance).




After completion please send it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

%AM, %22 %041 %2014 %00:%Jun

Alicia Mathews,

"Beautiful design, clean code and fast support. I really couldn’t wish for more. Really great job guys! Looking for more cool themes from you."

%AM, %22 %041 %2014 %00:%Jun

Brian Cowark,

" Beautiful design, clean code and fast support. I really couldn’t wish for more. Really great job guys! Looking for more cool themes from you."

%AM, %22 %041 %2014 %00:%Jun

Marissa Stewark

" Beautiful design, clean code and fast support. I really couldn’t wish for more. Really great job guys! Looking for more cool themes from you."